"Pacific Rim is an upcoming 2013 American science fiction film directed by Guillermo del Toro and written by del Toro and Travis Beacham. The film is set in the near future when legions of monstrous creatures, known as Kaiju, started rising from the sea, a war began that would take millions of lives and consume humanity’s resources for years on end. To combat the giant Kaiju, a special type of weapon was devised: massive robots, called Jaegers, which are controlled simultaneously by two pilots whose minds are locked in a neural bridge. But even the Jaegers are proving nearly defenseless in the face of the relentless Kaiju. On the verge of defeat, the forces defending mankind have no choice but to turn to two unlikely heroes—a washed up former pilot and an untested trainee who are teamed to drive a legendary but seemingly obsolete Jaeger from the past. Together, they stand as mankind’s last hope against the mounting apocalypse.
The film was produced by Legendary Pictures and will be distributed by Warner Bros. The film will be released in 3-D and IMAX 3D on July 12, 2013."
Legendary Pictures and Warner Bros Background:
Legendary Pictures LLC was founded in California in 2000 by Thomas Tull. In 2005 Legendary Pictures signed an agreement with Warner Bros to co-produce and co-finance up to 40 films over seven years. Legendary Pictures is now valued at more than 1 Billion dollars.
Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. was founded in 1918 by Albert Warner, Harry Warner, Sam Warner and Jack Warner. Warner Bros. first movie theatre was opened in Cascade, NewCastle Pennsylvania. Warner Bros. now has a revenue of 12 Billion and holds the rights to 6,600 feature films, 48,000 television titles and 14,000 animated titles (including over 1,500 classic animated shorts).
Legendary Entertainment, 2013. About. [Online]
Available at: http://www.legendary.com/about/
[Accessed 22 June 2013].
Warner Bros. and Legendary Entertainment, 2013. Home. [Online]
Available at: www.pacificrimmovie.com/
[Accessed 22 June 2013].
Warner Bros., 2013. Company Info. [Online]
Available at: http://warnerbros.com.au/company-info
[Accessed 22 June 2013].
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